Erexia – Just Another Transdermal Libido Patch?

For those of you looking into libido boosting dermal patches you may want to watch out for Erexia.  This is one of the latest (supposed) male enhancers being promoted and sold by Fomdi.

An Erexia Review

I did an Erexia Review and posted it at  You can read the full review Here if you want.

For those who don’t want to read the whole thing – the following is a snippet of what I about them when researching the claims being made in their promotional literature:


Who’s The Expert Here?

Let’s start with their expert – Professor Jackson, or is it Doctor Jackson?  In the literature it says he’s a well known doctor and that he has studied male sexuality for 25 years – that’s nice – it would seem that he must know what he’s talking about.

I’m confused though, because first he says he is a doctor that works with his staff to test all new products that purport to help men with their problems, and at the end of the letter it is signed Professor Jackson.

Now I know that someone can be both a doctor and a professor, but why the confusion?  And why not tell us your first name and give us some other credentials so we can verify your claims?

Is Professor Jackson A Real Person?

Maybe you aren’t a real doctor.  Maybe you don’t really even exist!  There’s plenty of male enhancement product promotions using fake experts.  Most (but not all) of the male product reviews on this site point that out.  It’s just a sneaky marketing tactic. 


Take care out there,

Victor Mayfield

Do Pheromones For Men Work For Attracting Girls?

Amazingly there are already many studies that have shown that pheromones for men really do work and they help them to attract girls.   This article provides a Nexus Pheromones Review since it is one of the top selling brands and the best way for a guy to use these types of products to help them meet more girls or simply enhance a current relationship.

Image via Flickr

First a little bit of history…

Back in 1959 a couple of guys named Adolf Butenandt and Peter Karlson noticed that certain animals give off chemical signals that elicit certain responses from other animals of the opposite sex. These two guys are given credit for the word pheromones which is a modern day mish mash of a couple of old Greek words “pherein” and “hormon”.

Different Kinds Of Pheromones

Now there are quite a few different kinds of pheromones that all animals, including humans give off for various reasons.

Most likely the reason you are reading this though is that you are interested in knowing if it is worth it for you to spend some money on a human pheromone perfume or spray that you can wear that will improve your chances at picking up women or maybe even just help with the relationship that you are currently in.

Good News

The good news is that there is in fact Scientific Proof that at least one of these male enhancing products work. It is called Nexus Pheromones and there were tests done on national television that you can watch for yourself.

Can You Tell Me How Pheromones Work?

The intent of this article is not to provide you with all of the science of how and why Nexus works, but to provide a little bit of an introduction to the product and other information that can help you to determine whether or not you should go ahead and invest some of your hard earned money into something that for many guys seems quite honestly a little bit hokey.

Does It Really Work?  Really?

The truth is that these human pheremone products have become one of the secrets of attracting women for a lot of men. Science has come a long way and the formulation of these types of products have to be just right for them to be effective especially if your main goal is picking up women. Some would say that it gives men an unfair advantage judging by many of the Nexus Pheremone Spray testimonials on their site.

Any Studies Done?

There have also been studies done that show that people use their sense of smell to select their mates. This is why many times you will see a very average looking guy with a beautiful woman and the other way around too. Of course there are other factors in why people are attracted to one another, but more and more studies are determining that the sense of smell and pheromones are a very big factor in the whole relationship and mating arena.

It’s Written Up In Medical Journals

To further prove that pheromones are a natural part of the human everyday experience, scientists have reported their findings in medical journals and other magazines including Nature, The Scientist, and Microscopy-UK and Micscape, and other things like the report from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Presentation to International Society for Human Ethology, Simon Fraser University.

National TV and Print Citations

And because of the amazing responses and results of these chemical markers and the way pheromones work even TV and print media have reported on the different scientific facts. Dateline NBC, 20/20, ABC News, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, and Time Magazine are examples of those media.

Clinically Proven?

As a result of all of this evidence companies have produced pheromone products like Nexus Pheromones to help men and women find a suitable mate. These products are clinically proven formulations that attract males and females. Pheromone sprays and perfumes are created specifically for men to allow them to communicate silently to women, using only their odors.

Mix It With Your Aftershave?

Most guys use these products by blending them with their aftershaves.   The Nexus Pheromones, for example, can be mixed by men in their aftershaves so that women can pick up the scent easier. It does not mean that all women will be attracted to you, but you most likely will find that you and they are a lot more relaxed when you are talking to women.

If You Are Ugly It Probably Won’t Work

Now a guy still has to look good too. It is still important to take care of yourself and not look like a bum. These types of products are not a cure all for things like bad hygiene or bad attitude about life in general. It is also important that you don’t use a cheap pheromone product that is unproven.

Don’t Get Scammed

There are so many shady male enhancement product promoters out there that it is often times hard to know what to believe.

Check out some of the sly marketing tactics used by some of these guys by visiting the Mens Health Category over at and you’ll get a good general idea of what to watch out for.  There is an Extendor Pills review right on this site too.

All things being the same, it still comes down to doing your homework and actually testing out a male enhancement product like this to see if it really will help you in your relationships.

One of the most important things is to use a reliable company that has been in business for a long time so you don’t end up getting scammed.  If you feel the product does not in fact work for you then you should have no problem getting your money back after a reasonable amount of time for you to try it out.

A Proven Product

You can check out the Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate that Nexus uses and get other information about it by clicking on the banner below.  Good luck with your relationships and I hope you have been pleased with my review of this product.

Victor Mayfield


Can VigRX Plus Help With Other Health Issues?

While VigRX Plus is well known for its natural libido enhancing properties there seem to be other health benefits to taking this product.    Many herbal male enhancement product manufacturers claim (justifiably or not) that their product will not hurt you with some of the nasty side effects reported by many of the mainstream prescription medications for erectile dysfunction because they are “all natural”.

But what of it?   Can you trust every product promoter to tell you the truth?  Of course not.  One only has to do a little bit of research online and read some of the interesting male enhancement product reviews available to know that there are all kinds of crazy claims being made.  Many of them untruthful.

But what about VigRX Plus ingredients?   Well this is a product that not only tells you up front what the ingredients are, but will also back up the health claims that are made about what those ingredients have been scientifically reported to help people with.  Several of the all natural herbs in this formulation not only help to increase the libido, but also have been reported to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and smooth irregular heartbeats among other things.

Using an all natural product with pure herbs is certainly a more attractive option for many men to help with any sort of e.d. issue as compared with ingesting prescription medications that, while telling you honestly upfront that men have had heart attacks from taking it along with other things like the occasional stroke and blindness, (not to mention death) they only offer one positive benefit and that is the ability to get and maintain an erection.

One has to ask themselves if it really is worth the risk.  Many guys feel a whole lot more comfortable with a product like VigRX  Plus and it’s ingredients.  They have found that not only does it help them feel more energetic and healthful it really does work as advertised and they have many testimonials on their website to back up their claims.

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