When I first started hearing about Provacyl, Low T, Natural HGH Releasers, Andropause and its symptoms, and the like, I thought it was all a bunch of crap. You can read my review on the matter in this article about low testosterone symptoms in men. But what I found after actually trying a product called Provacyl is that there is definitely something to it.

If you have low t, andropause, or “man-o-pause” you probably don’t have enough energy to please the ladies. Provacyl can probably help.
One of my readers (thanks Barry), suggested to me that there were in fact some benefits to be gained by taking a natural supplement that incorporated things to boost your hgh and testosterone levels. He mentioned in a comment on one of my blog posts that a product he had started taking “really perked him up”. (his words, not mine)
I promised to order the product and do a review, so here it is.
Provacyl Review
I ordered some Provacyl. What I liked about the product and the company behind it was that they offered a real nice money back guarantee. Meaning that I could actually try the product and if I felt it did not work for me, or do for me what I wanted it to do I could get all my money back.
I like dealing with companies like that. I mean… have you ever tried taking a whole bottle of supplements from a store like Walmart, or Walgreens and then tried to return the empty bottle and get all your money back? I didn’t think so. It would be like eating an entire meal in a restaurant, licking your plate clean, and then telling the owner you didn’t like the food and you shouldn’t have to pay for it.
So… if Provacyl feels that their product is so good that I have no monetary risk, and no side effect risk, why not give it a go? I could use some “perking up” as Barry said, so I went ahead and ordered it.
What are the Provacyl Ingredients?
The first thing I do when I get the package in the mail is take a look at the ingredients as listed on the outer packaging.
Essentially what I see is that there is a good Amino Acid blend, some Muira Puama leaf, Ginkgo (no surprise there), Acai, Ginseng, Tribulus terrestris (good for boosting the libido), some Soy (filler?), DHEA (which sounds good, but i don’t know why), and a few other things. You can get all the percentages, ingredients, and details at This Link.
The instructions tell me to eat before taking the pills and that I should take no more than 4 per day. They recommend 2 pills per day. I start off by taking ONE pill after dinner the first day. I have a tendency to get a little bit of heartburn when taking anything new so I don’t want to hurt myself.
I don’t notice anything the first few days. I feel the same. By day four I start to taking two pills a day, and even though they tell you that it could take up to a month to start to feel results I start to feel different by day seven or so.
It started by me not feeling so tired after work that I felt like I needed a nap after dinner. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it I didn’t even think about a mid afternoon nap anymore. I was actually busy all day and not feeling exhausted.
Maybe there is something to this stuff after all!
After a couple of weeks taking Provacyl I noticed that I was getting more frisky with my wife than I usually do. She liked it. I wasn’t “horny as all get out”, but it was nice to have a stronger libido than I’d had lately.
Provacyl claims that if you take the product that it will Boost Your Mood. There is no question that I started to just “feel better” (that’s the only way I can explain it). They claim the product will increase your Mental Focus, Increase Your Energy, and Boost Your Sex Drive. That is definitely true for me.
They claim it will decrease body fat and increase your lean muscle mass too. That seemed like a big claim to me at first, but I have to tell you that with the little bit of working out that I do that I actually can feel a difference. My muscles seem tighter, and I feel more agile and energetic.
I have been taking Provacyl for less than a month and I can honestly say that it has done everything that the company claims it will do.
So that’s my Provacyl review.
I am not going to be asking for my money back. I will be ordering more.
Will it work for you? I don’t know. It may not. But one thing I can tell you is that you won’t have any trouble asking for and getting your money back if you feel it did nothing for you. Check it out by clicking the banner I put below. If you try it I’d like to hear your comments.
Victor Mayfield
Thanks for your thoughts about Provacyl. I had heard about it and was wondering if I should buy it. I think I’ll give it a try based on your honest recommendation.
Hey Victor,
I’m glad you tried Provacyl. Your review of the product is excellent and hopefully will encourage many other guys to give it a try. I continue to take it as I am very pleased with the results.
Wow Victor! You really tell it like it is. This article will hopefully help all those with a low t problem. One thing you might mention in future articles is that there are quite a few published studies about the effects of low testosterone levels in men being caused by certain chemicals in lawn fertilizers and other types of herbicides sprayed on the product we buy at the supermarket.
hey dumbass, HGH is perfectly fine to take. Only anabolic steroids causes the enlarged belly and screws up your insides. Do some damn research on Sytropin. The Oral spray is absolutely fine. Injections is what screws you up.
Thanks for this unique and clarifying concent.
This web site gives a lot of extremely valuable tips. Thanks for the info Victor.
Thank you, this can be extremely beneficial. I believe I’m just ultimately getting my mind all around all ofthis!
Looks like you have had decent results. I think I might try some when I can afford it.
I tried it and I like it too. Thanks for the reco.
I am extremely inspired with your writing skills and your review.
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about Provacyl. Its always nice to read personal user reviews.
No problem Paul>>> no problem at all – in fact it is my pleasure.
Your information on Provacyl was convincing, however I did not order because I did not see any mention of the cost.