Hi everyone… this is a new post. Just letting you know I’m still around.
Victor M.
Natural Products And Product Reviews To Enhance Your Libido, Your Body, and Your Life
Hi everyone… this is a new post. Just letting you know I’m still around.
Victor M.
It’s been some time since I published a new post on this site. For my frequent visitors I’d like to let you know that I’m still around… just working on some other projects at the moment.
I’m sure I’ll be back soon enough with some new stuff. Stay tuned!
Victor M.
I just posted a new review about CordyCeps male enhancement “micro” pills over on the ReviewersFacts.com website.
Victor M.
Once in a while I like to try a new product to see how it will work. I came across Erectz and decided to try it so I could do a review.
Getting the product was no problem. The company made it real easy. I went to their website and noticed that they offer free samples – you just have to pay shipping.
The shipping charges were $6.99 so I suppose it wasn’t actually a free sample, but at least I didn’t have to risk a bunch of money by purchasing a whole month’s supply like you do with most companies.
I hadn’t taken any kind of libido enhancing pill in at least a couple of weeks so I figured that once the product arrived I’d be able to give it a fair test.
After I ordered it took approximately one week for the sample to arrive. It sat on my desk for at least another week before I took it.
It was a Friday evening and my wife and I were going to be the only ones at home so I figured it was as good a time as any.
To be fair to the company that makes Erectz they do say on the product packaging that if you experience any kind of reaction to it that you should not take any more.
After ingesting the two tablets with a glass of water I started burping a lot within 30 minutes. The burps had a foul bitter taste. The burping lasted for at least an hour.
After the burping went away my wife and I went to bed. We did have an intimate encounter, but I didn’t really experience anything different than I usually do so I have to say that this product does not work for me.
The next day I felt really lousy. I wasn’t exactly sick, but I felt weak – and tired – all day and into the next. Was this just a coincidence? I don’t think so. I think it was my body’s reaction to the product.
There are plenty of websites that talk about Erectz other than the main company website where you can buy it, the ingredients, etc., so I’m not going to list them all here. All you have to do is a Google search for Erectz and you fill find plenty of other good info.
For now I think I’ll stick with VigRX Plus and my favorite one… Provacyl. I don’t take either of these products every day, but if I start feeling a need for an energy boost or a libido boost I usually reach for the Provacyl before the VigRX.
Thanks for reading my review.
Victor Mayfield
For those of you looking into libido boosting dermal patches you may want to watch out for Erexia. This is one of the latest (supposed) male enhancers being promoted and sold by Fomdi.
I did an Erexia Review and posted it at ReviewersFacts.com. You can read the full review Here if you want.
For those who don’t want to read the whole thing – the following is a snippet of what I about them when researching the claims being made in their promotional literature:
Let’s start with their expert – Professor Jackson, or is it Doctor Jackson? In the literature it says he’s a well known doctor and that he has studied male sexuality for 25 years – that’s nice – it would seem that he must know what he’s talking about.
I’m confused though, because first he says he is a doctor that works with his staff to test all new products that purport to help men with their problems, and at the end of the letter it is signed Professor Jackson.
Now I know that someone can be both a doctor and a professor, but why the confusion? And why not tell us your first name and give us some other credentials so we can verify your claims?
Maybe you aren’t a real doctor. Maybe you don’t really even exist! There’s plenty of male enhancement product promotions using fake experts. Most (but not all) of the male product reviews on this site point that out. It’s just a sneaky marketing tactic.
Take care out there,
Victor Mayfield
I have been taking All Day Energy Greens on and off for over a year now. That’s probably enough time to test a product to see if it works and to do a short review, ay?
When I first received the promotion for this product in the mail I threw it in the trash.
But IVL (Insitute For Vibrant Living) kept sending the mailers to me. I finally relented and ordered one jar. For like $40.00! (with shipping)
You know it’s pretty good promotional material if they can get you to send $40 for something to “test it out”, or whatever they said. It had a money back guarantee if I didn’t like it – so I figured I had nothing to lose.
Before I finished the jar of stuff – (it’s a powder that you mix a couple of tablespoons in with water) I called them back and had them put me on the auto ship program.
It does everything they say it will and more. I like it. A lot.
I know it’s a great supplement for any man’s diet. It helps to keep you regular too. Lots of good stuff in there. At least 5 servings of fruit/vegetables in every two tablespoon scoop.
That’s a good thing because I know I rarely get 5 servings of fruit and or vegetables every day. The stuff just makes me feel better all around.
Recently I found the stuff on Amazon. Click Here To check it out on Amazon. You can often buy it cheaper than you can directly from the company. Check it out. It works.
Good Luck out there,
Victor Mayfield
Having approached and passed middle age and with my hair thinning – see pic below – I decided to try a product called Profollica to see if it would work as claimed – and to do a review.
It seems (from reading their website) that the majority of guys who use the product get results. The stuff also came with a 60 day money back guarantee so I decided to give it a go. Here’s a picture I took of the top of my head the day the product arrived. I’d say I have some male pattern baldness going on there – don’t you think?
And here’s a picture of my head approximately 60 days later.
(I stood under a light in my kitchen – plus used the flash on the camera to really pick up the new, fine hair that is coming in. I could hardly believe how much new hair was growing up there in such a short time.)
My wife cuts my hair and she said she could tell a “pretty big” difference.
Here’s another picture.
In all honesty I don’t wash my hair everyday – but I did use the shampoo that is available with the Profollica package every time I washed my hair.
You also get what they call a gel to apply after washing your hair. I applied the stuff – which is not all that gel like – it has more the consistency of water – maybe six times over the course of sixty days.
I had grown tired of wearing a hat like this guy to cover my thinning hair. That’s what led me to search out and find Profollica.
The package included a daily supplement (vitamins and such) that I did not take either.
So even though I didn’t use the product as recommended – it still worked!
The hair that is coming in is very light – almost gray in color. I think you can tell that from the pics, but I don’t really care. I figure if it stays that color and it doesn’t match with the hair I already have I can dye it.
I will of course start to pay more attention to the instructions now that I have seen decent results. I am interested in seeing what the stuff will do over the next sixty days. I’ll let you know.
If you want to buy Profillica to see if it might work for you, I highly recommend it.
The nice thing is this… These guys treat you right. If the stuff doesn’t work for you – you can get your money back.
As a matter of fact I put a “You Don’t Have To Be Bald” banner just below that you can click on and be taken directly to the Profollica site. So that’s my Profollica review so far. Stay tuned.
Good luck out there.
Victor Mayfield
Looking pretty good!
It’s been nearly six months since I started using Profollica on a relatively consistent basis.
For the last couple of months I have not been using the shampoo – or the vitamins. I have only been using the “liquid gel” that you rub into your scalp after a shower.
Here’s the latest pictures that I just took today. My wife cut my hair just a couple of days ago.
I’ll add some pictures in a couple of months before I get a hair cut so we can see what it looks like then.
I like what I see.
I have to say that I am pretty impressed with this stuff and will continue to use it. It’s working well for that thinning spot on top of my head, but I’m not seeing much if any results in the front (receding) hair line area, but there are a few stray thin hairs there now.
The frontal receding hairline I have had since my early twenties – so there may be no hope – save for a hair transplant.
A while back I started taking HyperGH 14x, which is a daily HGH releaser designed specifically for bodybuilders. I started taking it after having some surprising success with another hgh releaser/testesterone booster called Provacyl and you can read all about that experiment at this blog post/review.
Being 43 years old and a little soft around the middle I figured there might be something to all of this HGH stuff after a friend told me that he had tried a certain natural hgh releaser supplement (Provacyl), and felt that he’d had some success with it. (“it really perked me up” – is what I think he said) I decided to try it and you can read all about my experience in the Provacyl review I did (linked above).
Anyway… after finding success with Provacyl I decided to really upgrade and see if HyperGH 14x was any good. Now I have to tell you that I am not in any way a ‘bodybuilder’. Never have been. I try to stay moderately active, but I don’t make a habit of exercising on a frequent basis if you know what I mean.
Spring is coming, we like to go to the beach, and I generally just wanted to try it and see if it would do anything for me as far as muscle building goes. I also made a mental note to myself to start working out more. Which I did. I started doing some pushups, situps/crunches, bench presses, and now that winter is over – riding my bike every couple of days. I did seem to have more energy than before after taking the Provacyl on a consistent basis.
When the HyperGH 14X arrived I stopped taking the Provacyl. I didn’t want to skew any possible results.
The ingredients as listed on the back of the box include:
Some other natural herbs like Astragalus root, and things like deer velvet antler, GABA, pituitary powder, and a few other things. You can read the entire ingredients list as well as what they are individually supposed to do for you at HyperGH 14x ingredients web page.
It sounded like some pretty potent stuff, and they had a few testimonials, but not a lot because the product has pretty much just come to market. (spring 2012) The testimonials sounded good, and I thought it might be something to take to really get my motor running and motivate me to finally build those muscles that I always secretly wanted and what my wife of 20 years always told me I didn’t need because I was fine just the way I was. Heh, heh.
The actual product consists of not only a supplement/pill you take twice a day, but also an HGH spray. The 2 ounce spray bottle says ‘Alpha GPC Oral Spray’ on the label. It also says ‘human growth hormone releaser’. I guess they are the same thing, but I don’t know for sure. It probably says on the website so I make a note to look later. I actually don’t like being a guineau pig for new products, but with my recent success with the other product from the same company I decide to just go ahead and start taking it.
The instructions say to take two tablets in the morning 15 minutes prior to your workout and also to take three sprays of the liquid hgh releaser I mentioned above. I do that the first morning of taking it. I actually worked out a little bit too, but not more than usual. Some pushups, bar curls, bench press, etc., maybe 10 or 15 minutes worth and I didn’t work so hard to even break a sweat. (pretty much my normal workout that I do 2 or 3 days a week)
I also remember to take two more pills and three sprays before bed – per the instructions.
The next morning my lower back is sore. Like my kidneys are hurting. Just like they do when I don’t drink enough water after being outside in the hot sun working, or at the beach too long. I drink a whole bunch of water that day while continuing to take the product. It says to take the same amount whether you plan on working out or not.
After four days I really start to notice that I can feel my muscles. I looked in the mirror with my shirt off and didn’t notice anything different, but I certainly had a new awareness that there was something going on in my muscles.
The best way I can describe it is to say that it felt like that feeling you get just before you come down with the flu. Do you know what I am talking about? Your muscles ache a little bit and you feel like you are about to get sick. You feel a little bit weak, etc. That’s what it was like, except it was very subtle. A bit irritating actually, and thought I might actually be getting the flu, but I had just gotten over it (the whole family had it) so I knew it must be the product.
I took it for ten days and then had to stop. (temporarily) Even though I had continued exercising on my ‘not so regular workout schedule’ I still felt ‘run-down’ and I knew there was no way I could be ‘sick that long’. I wasn’t actually sick though. I did have a runny nose the whole time. I attributed that to spring allergies.
The pain in my lower back went away after the first few days of taking it. I attributed that to the product actually flushing out toxins and fat deposits because I ended up losing five pounds the first week even though I was eating more than usual. I was hungry!
The funny thing is this. The day after I stopped taking the product my runny nose cleared up and I no longer had that slight ‘before the flu’ ache that persisted pretty much the entire time of taking it. Now I can’t completely rule out a coincidence. Maybe I actually was sick. More than likely all of the above was true.
I think the product was flushing out toxins in my body to a great extent. I am familiar with things like colon cleanses and that you often feel sick for a couple of days when starting to do a whole body cleanse.
HyperGH 14x is designed specifically for bodybuilders after all. These guys and ladies are already quite fit, have a much better diet than me I am sure, and generally have healthier bodies. They probably won’t react that way to start. Probably will have no ‘symptoms’ at all.
If you are not looking to get big muscles – take something else. Seriously.
If you are someone who sees some of the benefits of taking an HGH releaser but is not interested in building up your muscles to any great extent there are other products not so potent like the Provacyl I mentioned above as well as another very popular one called GenF20 and the like.
After taking three days off from the product I am back on it. I wish I had taken a picture to show the true ‘before’. I will try to get a current picture for your and post it here. I asked my wife if could notice a difference and she said she definitely could. (this is after a total of 14 days… three of which I didn’t even take the stuff)
Now… I don’t like feeling sick, so I am only going to take the stuff in the morning whether I work out within 15 minutes or not. I found that if I took it right before going to bed like they recommend for the second dose of the day that I had trouble falling asleep. It seems to jack me up a little bit.
So I am going to take this HyperGH 14x hgh releaser stuff just once a day for the next several days and see how I feel. If I feel great then I may go back to the two doses a day and see if my muscle building results improve.
I’ll keep updating this HyperGH 14x review as time permits. As yet I am still undecided on the stuff, but I can honestly say that my muscles are bigger after just a couple of weeks of taking it.
If you haven’t already been to the HyperGH14x site I put a banner down below that you can click on to check it out at the official site. There is a lot of information there. It looks like a good product. I am just not sure yet if it is for me.
Victor Mayfield
I was hearing about Natural HGH Releasers and wondered what they were all about, so I figured I’d dig a little deeper, do a review, and see what I could find. I also started taking one of these products on a daily basis to see if in fact the claims being made by the product purveyors hold up.
If you crave the hard chiseled bodybuilder or athlete look and are willing to put in the time and effort in the gym an HGH releaser like HyperGH 14x can probably help get you there faster.
For those who know me, they would probably tell you that judging by my physique that I must be at least a moderately active guy.
I’m not fat by any means, but it wouldn’t hurt for me to lose 20 -30 pounds. The truth is that I don’t get all that much exercise.
If I “workout” during the week it means I did ten pushups, curled my 50# bar a couple of dozen times, and if I’m lucky did at least a few crunches.
Even at that I sometimes hurt myself. Rotator cuff, knee, sore wrists, etc. I know it’s because I am getting older and the fact that I am not consistent in my exercise routines, but nevertheless, I heard about HGH Releasers, Low T boosters, and the like and thought that maybe one of these products might help me a little bit.
What I found out is that these natural hgh releasers are just that. Natural. They are a dietary supplement made with specific herbs as well as amino acids (think L-glutamine, L-arginine, etc.) What these supplements are designed to do is to stimulate your pitiuitary gland to produce more of your own body’s growth hormones.
You know… those things that gave you muscles as a teenager? Where’d that firm flat body of yours go? Same place as mine I suppose.
Anyway, as you get older, the pituitary gland starts to produce less of the things that help (most) us to look and feel young. You can see the difference in guys who have a healthy and productive pituitary gland at 50 -60 years old versus those who don’t. I’m not going to get all technical here and try and explain all of the gritty details. If you want those, check out the pituitary gland info over at Wikipedia.
The same thing goes for women I suppose, but they have plenty of other things working against them age wise than men do. Face it. Guys usually can shed pounds faster than women, it’s a fact of life, and has a lot to do with hormones.
Which leads me to my little experiment with a natural HGH Releaser called Provacyl. You can read the Provacyl review I did. Sufice to say… I am a believer. See below for info on a new product called HyperGH 14x which is a bit stronger and more specific to building muscle mass.
If you are in your teens or young twenties and really looking to build up your muscles, or are in the process of doing so you probably have heard about (and maybe used or are using) anabolic steroids, or even sythetic hgh. You know the stuff is bad for you, but the results… they come so quick! Don’t they?
The thing is this. You also know that you can’t take that crap forever. And the longer you take it the worse you feel. It’s a good thing you found me! There is an excellent, (and in many, many ways better) substitute.
It’s called HyperGH 14x. Top shelf, top of the line, (fairly expensive even) Natural HGH Releaser. The package comes with a supplement as well as an oral spray that you spray in your mouth twice a day. Check it out by clicking the banner below and see if it’s any good. You can also read my own personal experience with HyperGH 14x HGH releaser right on this website. Maybe it is something that will help you get what you want.
Victor Mayfield
Curious to find out if the new Mens Power Up Labs male enhancement pill is any good? Take a look at the latest Power Up Labs review by Victor Mayfield right here and decide if it’s right for you.
I have been doing male enhancement reviews for quite a long time now and this latest mailing from MensPowerUp.com really takes the cake.
If you are anything like me you get promotions like this in the mail fairly often. Somehow along the way I, (and probably you) ended up on someones mailing list and our names got sold, passed around, and every male enhancement product provider is trying to hawk us the latest and greatest new pill that will for sure, “this time”, solve all of our problems.
I really find it interesting that most of the time when I take a close look at what they are really saying they aren’t saying anything at all. It is all promotion.
Product promotion like this is all words with nothing to back it up. Lots of beautiful women, some amazing pictures of the biggest men you are likely to ever see anywhere, and often a bunch of made up testimonials, (if that).
This Men’s Power Up pill is just one of the latest from Viarex Labs out of Newhall California. I have written about Viarex before, and I have never received even one positive testimonial from a happy customer.
I am starting to think that they just change the name of their product every six months. A new fancy label on their bottle of pills, and a new label on their male enhancement cream, some slick new literature to send out in the mail, and a new website hanging off of the Viarex.com domain name. (did you type MensPowerUp.com into your web browser? Take a look at the URL that you end up at and you’ll see what I mean).
Look, I am not here to tell you that this Power Up Pill doesn’t work. I don’t know. I have not tried it. If you do order it and it works for you I’d like to hear about it. But when all that I see is a bunch of claims and nothing to back it up I tend to shy away from male enhancement products like this.
This Mens Power Up pill is supposed to do wonders for my libido with this amazing combination of ingredients, but they fail to tell me what those ingredients are! I guess you have to send them your money and wait for the product to find out if anything in the pills will make you sick because you are allergic.
Another thing… These guys are claiming that Power-Up is manufactured and distributed by Power – Up Labs, Inc. which is supposedly the #1 manufacturer of all natural erection producing supplements in the entire USA.
The thing about that statement is this… I couldn’t find anything on the internet to back up that claim. That seems really weird to me. It makes me think they are lying. And if they are lying about that, what else are they not being truthful about?
I also did some research to find out more about their Doctor Murry Green and I could not find any doctor by that name who I could link back to the company. Strange don’t you think?
There are plenty of other male enhancement products that have been around long enough to have proven themselves for me to take a chance of something brand new. For now I’ll be sticking with my VigRX Plus and staying away from this Power Up stuff.
I put a banner down below that you can click on and check out VigRX Plus to see if it is something you feel is right for you.
All the best, and good luck out there.
Victor M.
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